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It's worth the wait. No, really, it is.

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Be clothed from on high.

We have all been through periods of waiting. Waiting for change to come, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting on the hand of God to move on our behalf. Waiting is never easy and though none of us easily surrender to its debilitating grip, yielding to a period of waiting can be extremely powerful, life changing and sweet. If we would only allow it. 

Waiting is fire to the soul. It causes a burning, a cleansing, a refinement. What can be burnt up, will surely be burnt. Waiting can make you realise that you harbour emotions and feelings you never knew existed, long lost dreams can be kindled, and deep longings may suddenly come to light. Waiting reels us in, draws us closer, and makes us listen more attentively. In the waiting, dull ears begin to hear what's been drowned out in the normal business of life. Waiting awards hearing to a listening ear that willingly surrenders to the quiet, stripped from everything busy and buzzing.


Waiting has many enemies that stand ready to disturb its powerful work. Foes that would bring enticement to fear that things will never change, that we are stuck, to make us doubt whether God really is in control and with us, to make us wonder whether we did something wrong, to get us to become bitter and discouraged, to distract us by looking around and comparing with others, to get us to be resentful or to give up hope. But trust in a faithful Father who sits with us in the waiting room, who promised us a new day, will bring us into a day of joy and fulfilment when we have stood the test of time, harnessed patience and surrendered our plans in exchange for His.


In the waiting we're changed

Waiting rids us of all our self-efforts and brings us to a place of deep dependency on God. In the waiting we're sculpted, we're kneaded, we're prepared for more. More of Him. We are made new, we are changed into what He envisioned, what He imagined, what He dreamed. We become aligned with His passions, His pursuits, His divine character and love.


It may seem like suffering. It sometimes is a painful process of molding and sculpting until the work of faith is finished. It isn’t easy to let go of old ways of thinking that have become our norm, our default. Letting go is hard. But when we yield willingly to the hand of God in the waiting, we are taken on a journey to a place of peace and freedom, only found in Him - a sweet surrender to His loving hands, His timing, His control.

Trust the process.

It is not a process in haste, it takes time. He is in control of the process, the time it takes and the outcome it reaches. He has us safely in His hand. We cannot rush Him, for He IS the Maker, He will take His time in reaching perfection exactly the way that He had planned. In the waiting, God builds our character so that we can patiently endure the walk of faith, a selfless life of giving and loving.


Trust the process. Trust God’s plan. Every time we yield to the waiting, we proclaim; ‘God, You got this. I trust You.' When you know Your Papa’s love, surrendering to Him in the waiting is easier. Let patience have its perfect work in your heart. In the waiting we may groan, but grab tight to Him. Never forget that He is kind, He is near, He loves you endlessly and His mercies are new each morning. Allow Him to sculpt you through the waiting for the wonderful joy set before you of knowing Him more and having deeper intimacy with Him than ever before.

A lifestyle of waiting

Waiting is a ministry to Him and as children of God we need to make waiting on God a lifestyle that continually seeks His face and His heart – hearing and following His voice, hearing and following deeper and deeper into the Light. Waiting on His voice safeguards us from running ahead on assumptions, living in haste, and being stuck in wrong beliefs. We desperately need to hear His voice and instruction, and find wisdom, if we desire to live a life of overcoming. God is good to those who wait for Him, he acts on their behalf! (Lamentation 3:25, Isaiah 64:4)


Waiting may seem like a waste of time but when God makes us wait, we can be sure that it is for our good. It will bring clarity, purpose and rootedness in who He really is and who we are in Him. It will establish us in Him, make us secure in His love for us and break cycles of sin (unbelief). When we finally step forward with Him, it will be in the freedom that He had always had in mind. A life that walks in step WITH Him. We will be loosed from worldliness or erroneous ideas that limit us and keep us in a constant cycle of defeat. In the waiting God aligns us and leads us into victory. That is for sure!


Conversations with God

Father, I believe that You are in control, even if my circumstances scream otherwise. I choose to believe that You are right here with me and that You are working all things together for my good. I surrender my plans, hopes, and dreams into Your loving hands. Show me what You have in mind, show me Your heart for me Papa. I want to listen intently. Help me to lay down every lie and heavy weight of worry, doubt, fear and distraction so that I can receive what You want to give me in the waiting, here with You. Thank You Papa.

Image Credit : Pexels


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