God has entrusted you with a certain responsibility, a ministry, a work for His kingdom and His glory. Do not let the enemy pressure you to turn back, stand back, waver and doubt your sufficiency for the assignment He has given you.

God has assigned it to you and He equips and enables you to fulfill it. The enemy comes with many voices, sometimes through waves of thoughts and circumstances or even through voices of those closest to us, that try to instill doubt and fear, trying to manipulate you and get you to steer off course, to distract you from what you purposed in your heart and haul you into believing that you have heard God wrong, that you don’t have what it takes, that you are not qualified or clean enough.
Don’t believe his lies. He tries to keep you in a place of seeming lack, focused on your so-called inadequacies or shortcomings. God gives you grace for that assignment, you lack nothing, you are all sufficient in Christ, it is His breath that empowers you. Stand strong, don’t step back and focus on yourself. Your strength comes from God, He gives you the creativity, the ability, the insight and the favour to continue in victory!
Who overcomes the world and all its debilitating voices but the one who puts His trust in God? Stay in the place of rest and trust, daughter of God! Do not try by yourself. Don’t depend on your own abilities and strength - pushing, striving, hustling, and trying to provide for yourself. Keep on holding your Papa’s hand and continually seek His face. He is ready to supply your every need, walking by your side every step of the way! Just ask Him and receive from the bounty of His love and goodness toward you!
You will overcome!
Conversations with God.
Lord, thank You for teaching me, for leading me into a life that is free from every lie that would have it's way in holding me captive in a life devoid of the abundance You desire to give me. Thank You for removing the voices that are not Yours and giving me rest in enjoying life with You, freely living, loving, and giving what You have given me, having abundance of joy in deeply knowing my Papa's love and heart toward me. Thank You Father that You are My strength. When I have my eyes and my heart securely fixed on You, taking the next step forward becomes easy for I fully lean on You, I lack nothing. Redefine my worth and purpose so that it aligns with Your heart for me and ignite again the passions and dreams You have hidden in my heart. Walking with You, I know the best is yet to come.