He who knows the road holds your hand
He who dreams about you, steers your plans
He who loves you dearly guides your feet
Just one step forward, it’s safe to put your trust in Him.
Image Credit : magdeleine.co
We have a tendency to not move until we feel secure in knowing the entire picture of the road that lies ahead of us. God shows us the end from the beginning, telling us the destination but the road to how we get there stays a mystery. We may be overwhelmed with uncertainties, worries or fears as to what we may face on the way there or have concerns about falling into lack on our journey. We all want guarantees that there will be no hardships, difficulties or failure.
The only antidote to conquer the fear of the unknown is unswerving trust. Trust in a God who has gone before us, who knows the road that lies ahead, who knows what we will need and has already provided, and stationed strategic pit stops to encourage us along the way. We tend to think of God’s provision in only material terms but He amply supplies every need that may arise whether it be in strength, inspiration, creativity, wisdom, time, material things, support, encouragement, love, tender mercies, or compassion. In taking just one step forward we’re saying, ‘God You got this. I trust You. I believe Your promises. You will take care of me, and we will get to the other side. We will have the victory, for You are here with me and that is more than enough.’
That is what He asks of us. Trust. A firm and unwavering belief that He is good and He will be to us who He promised to be. Just one step forward. Just one step forward. Holding tightly to His hand, to His love for us, to His goodness. Taking our eyes off the fears, the insecurities, the waves, the world and focusing our thoughts on His love for us. From trust to trusting Him more. From seeing who He is, to seeing Him more and more, everywhere around us. From knowing Him to knowing Him even more and then suddenly one day just one step forward gives us the final breakthrough and makes us reach our long-awaited destination. And then the next journey begins.
We need to rest in His goodness as we embark on each journey - knowing that He is right there through every dip or valley, every bend in the road, in quiet moments when we feel alone or abandoned, when it may seem like we’re moving backward, in adversity, when we fail and at the very pinnacles of success and victory. We must keep our eyes fixed on His heart towards us, knowing that we never walk alone, for what we will gain along the road is worth far more than all the gold in the world – it is the gift of knowing Him deeply.
Take that one step forward. Trust Him.
Psalm 37:23-24
23From Adonai a man’s steps are made firm, when He delights in his way. 24 Though he stumble, he will not fall headlong, for Adonai is holding his hand.
Conversations with God
Lord, I lay every fear at your feet. I’m so sorry for doubting that You guide me, that you provide for me and have all along been standing right beside me, holding my hand. I choose to put my gaze back upon your loving eyes, to fix my heart on Your encouragement and love for me. Thank you that I never walk alone and that you are guiding my every single step. I am excited to walk with You, I choose to trust You for everything that I would ever need!